In today’s world of social media, it’s easy to get caught up, feeling like we’re not doing enough – even with ten thousand other things on our plate. We get overwhelmed with having to get a new outfit for every event, needing to start a new workout plan, attempting new diets, and the cycle doesn’t stop. We’re faced with this subconscious pressure to “catch up” every day, but what if we gave ourselves permission to do less? 

This habit of always doing more keeps you from putting forth effort towards the things that will positively impact your life and prevents you from truly doing anything well. Join Robin in this encouraging episode and for tips to start doing less with more intention.

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Ways the internet has subconsciously pressured us to try to do more 
  • How to give ourselves permission to do less without backtracking 
  • How trying to do too much prevents us from doing our best 
  • Giving yourself permission to do less with more intention 
  • How do you know where to focus 
  • Making small changes to make a positive impact

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from The Balanced Life