Is it possible to have feijoa with diabetes?

The bulk of the fruit grows in the tropics and subtropics. However, this fruit was able to grow and multiply in Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and the southern part of Australia. This plant is well adapted. The fruit is very tasty and healthy, a bit like a mixture of strawberries, pineapple and kiwi. The tree itself, on which the fruits grow, resembles a huge shrub up to 6 meters high. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with this miraculous fruit.

 It is possible to have feijoa with diabetes mellitus

When the fruit is harvested and where it is used
Feijoa is not usually collected quite mature, as it travels for a long time at the point of sale and can deteriorate.

Feijoa is best eaten fresh. But this also makes jams and jams. The ripe fruit spoils quickly. Therefore, do not buy it for future use, but it is expected to take 2 to 3 days.

Maize is possible with diabetes

What is the use of Feijoa?
Feijoa - One of the most useful fruits.


It contains a large amount of fiber, which actively helps the stomach to digest everything in the stomach.
Vegetable fat.
Potassium, which helps the body develop muscles and tolerates physical exertion.
Group B vitamins, responsible for a person's emotional state.
Vitamin C, which improves the condition of immune cells and keeps them in good condition.
Nicotinic acid or PP, which is involved in the exchange of carbohydrates in all cells of the body.
Iodine, which improves thyroid function.
Iron or Fe to prevent anemia.
There are many other vitamins and substances that are never found in such a structure in any other fruit, vegetable or berry.
In composition, this fruit resembles a medicine taken in the presence of beriberi with autumn and spring prophylaxis.

If the fruit is very sweet and healthy, then the question arises - can it eat from diabetes?

Carrots are possible with diabetes

What is diabetes, and how does the disease affect the patient?
Depending on the degree of diabetes and the degree of medications, a person is partially or completely limited to sweets. And sometimes, on the contrary, it requires a faster and faster increase in insulin. Some take a pill for this disease, some have a special pen for injection, and some take chocolate with them. These are all precautions from unexpected diseases on the road, public transport, walking and many other places where rapid assistance is needed.

 Feijoa with diabetes

When diagnosing diabetes mellitus, almost everyone starts panicking. He immediately thinks that you can eat and drink. Whether it is necessary to do shots or have enough tablets.

In rare cases, diabetes is diagnosed at very advanced stages. Almost everyone has it, just not everyone does a particular Chinese analysis. Unfortunately, the fasting analysis does not give a complete picture of what is happening. It is necessary to donate blood with the load. This analysis is given during the day after a certain amount of glucose consumption. But this analysis is rarely done. Therefore, most people who have passed the analysis on an empty stomach, and who have not received a bad result, write "healthy". In this case, some may be healthy, and some may not. Some simply do not know about the existence of the disease and eat what they want.

If you look at the problem from a medical point of view, diabetes mellitus - worsening of the pancreas, which produces insulin for the sugar in the body. If so, many people have problems with this gland not only in adults but also in children. Therefore, since childhood, many pediatricians and gastroenterologists strongly recommend that you follow the diet. Do not eat fat, eat less flour and sweet. Avoid large amounts of spicy and salty foods. And also have a healthy lifestyle: go for a walk and go for sports. Thus, by consuming large amounts of oxygen to disperse all harmful groups, which improves the function of physical exertion along with all the organs of the body.

If diabetes mellitus is not diagnosed in the early stages, metabolic disorders, digestive writing, and renal function are impaired. The earlier the disease is detected, the sooner the person will monitor food consumption, sometimes Takes medicine. If the initial stage, it is possible to completely reject insulin-containing drugs with the right diet in the future. The main goal of proper nutrition is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates.

With diabetes Feijoa you can eat but little. Three to five fruits a day - it does not harm health. Furthermore, it rarely occurs when one and the same fruit is eaten continuously.

Feijoa is often included in the list of fruits that can be eaten in the diet, as the fruit is saturated with vitamins.

The opinion of doctors on this issue is divided. Some oppose the use of feijoa in diabetes mellitus. Others recommend the opposite. Many fruits also contain sugar and are allowed in small amounts, for example, you can eat: an apple, banana, a pear.
Feijoa can be used by all people, regardless of whether they have diabetes or not. There are moments that a lot of sugar is falling in people with severe diabetes and they need to be supplemented immediately. They immediately eat a piece of sugar or chocolate. Accordingly, feijoa can also help. However, it should be remembered that if it is decided to eat this fruit on a certain day, you should leave other fruits and foods containing carbohydrates.

The best protein of all feijoa is with food, for example, with cottage cheese. Nowadays, with the consumption of cottage cheese and yogurt products, fruits and grains are added to the taste and saturation. It shows a great and delicious breakfast. Sometimes cottage cheese is combined with cheese and oatmeal.


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