Vegan Diet vs Other Diets: A Comparative Analysis HealthifyMe - Blog HealthifyMe - Blog - The definitive guide to weight loss, fitness and living a healthier life.

Many diet plans are available now, and most are a part of the widespread diet culture. Diet culture is the collection of ideas focused on the assumption that the most healthy, desirable, and worthy bodies are those that are lean. It also holds beliefs like eating one particular way is good or bad. While the diet industry promises that if you get a slimmer body and eat a specific way, all your goals will come true, it does not stress that each body may react to a diet differently. It does not tell you that dieting may or may not work for everyone in the long run. Here, customisation is the key.

Many people who want to eat healthier try to reduce their consumption of meat and animal products. Eating fewer animal products means making more room for grains, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Thus, it is named the vegan diet. For some people, the vegan diet helps them feel cleaner. 

In this article, you will learn about various diets and how they can help you reach your health goals. Let us also discover what alternative diets you can choose. 

Vegan Diet: An Introduction

A vegan diet is a vegetarian diet style that excludes the consumption of all animal products, such as dairy, meat, eggs, animal fat and honey. Some vegans follow the vegan diet for medical reasons, while others for ethical considerations, like protecting animal rights and preferring to eat sustainably. 

A growing number of individuals are transitioning to vegetarianism or veganism, which has the potential to reduce carbon emissions, reduce climate change, and improve human health. Research also suggests that people on the vegan diet for ethical reasons were on this diet longer than those who chose it for health reasons.

Foods You Can Eat on a Vegan Diet

  • An ample variety of fruits, vegetables, roots, tubers and flowers 
  • All sorts of whole grains, pulses, legumes and cereals  
  • Nuts, nut butter and seeds
  • Dairy supplements like soy tofu, nut-based milk, vegan yoghurt and cheese
  • Vegetable oils, seed oils, olive oil
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Less processed meat substitutes, agave/flax seeds as an egg supplement 

Foods to Avoid in a Vegan Diet

  • Dairy products like milk, curd, cheese, butter, paneer, cream
  • Animal products like eggs, honey, animal fat, gelatine
  • All sorts of meat, including red, white, processed, mixed, sausages, canned

Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Studies show that plant-based diets like the vegan diet with minimal or no animal product consumption are becoming more popular due to their health benefits. 

Numerous studies have linked a vegan diet to a lower risk of cardiovascular events and intermediate-risk factors. Therefore, healthy plant-based meals should be promoted for enhanced cardiovascular health and as a sustainable dietary option.

Controls Blood Cholesterol

Vegan diets have gained popularity over the years. It is rich in fibre, vitamins C, Vitamin E, potassium, folic acid, and magnesium. In addition, it contains various phytochemicals and has an unsaturated fat content.

Vegan diets feature less cholesterol, less saturated fats and higher dietary fibre than other vegetarian diets. Research suggests that vegans usually have lower blood pressure and serum cholesterol, which minimises their risk of heart disease.

Helps Manage Chronic Conditions

Chronic diseases such as strokes, diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer are some of the most common and expensive health complications. The main benefits of a vegan diet include its prevention and treatment. 

A study suggests that following a vegan diet can help decrease the chances of cancer detection and recurrence. Compared to omnivores, vegetarians and vegans have reduced morbidity and mortality rates. 

According to another study, the vegan diet can help lower the prevalence or incidence of type 2 diabetes. It promotes glucose homeostasis by lowering elevated glucose levels. Obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular mortality all benefit from it.

Regulates Gut Inflammation

Research shows that the gut profile of a vegan appears to be one-of-a-kind in various ways. It includes a lower prevalence of pathobionts and a higher prevalence of protective species. Reduced inflammation levels may be the fundamental factor relating the vegan gut microbiome to health benefits.

Vegan Diet and Weight Loss

According to research, a vegan diet may help you maintain a healthy weight. When you eat a vegan diet, you’ll usually burn more energy than you consume. 

You’ll mainly eat plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, and beans. As a result, it will reduce your high-fat product consumption like meat, eggs, and milk. In addition, the low-calorie options are rich in vitamins and minerals and contain fibre that will keep you fuller for longer. 

Due to its low fat and high fibre content, the principal mechanism by which a low-fat, vegan diet leads to a drop in body weight. According to a study, vegan diets resulted in significant weight loss in older women.

Given all of the benefits of a vegan diet, including more fibre, better digestion, less trans fat, less saturated fat and more nutritional yet lower-calorie foods, it is easy to see why vegans would shed pounds effectively. 

A vegan diet may assist you in losing weight. However, before making significant dietary changes, visit your nutritionist or a dietitian. It is vital to lose weight healthily. Nutrients like the Vitamin B

group and protein play an essential role. 

Is Going Vegan Sustainable?

If you’re considering becoming vegan or vegetarian but are concerned about making a significant shift in your eating habits, keep in mind that there are several layers to this lifestyle. There are numerous possibilities if one wants to dive into a plant-based diet. 

Many people find it challenging to stick to a vegan diet. According to in-depth research, adherence rates for weight loss do not differ much between omnivorous, vegetarian, vegan, flexitarian and pescatarian diets. 

The reasons for choosing that particular diet path, the encouragement you receive from people around you and your openness to try new foods and dishes may influence your tendency to adhere to the plan.

Limitations of a Vegan Diet

Is the vegan diet intrinsically healthy? Well, it relies on what you eat. Vegan diets can be nutritious and healthful if they meet your nutritional requirements. However, veganism may be unhealthy if there isn’t a right mix of macro and micronutrients in your weekly menu plan. 

Nutrient Deficiency

According to research, avoiding all animal products increases the danger of some nutritional deficits. Calcium, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids are all crucial micronutrients for everyone. 

Vegans should take supplements if they don’t eat foods enriched with these nutrients. Due to the limited availability of these minerals to the body, the health of vegans may be of concern when it comes to zinc and iron status. 

Compromised Bone Health

Osteoporosis is a prevalent disorder marked by a progressive decrease in bone mineral density and weakened bone strength. Research suggests that vegetarians, especially vegans, are more likely to have low BMD and are at greater risk of fractures.

Not for All Age Groups

There are drawbacks connected with avoiding meat and dairy during childhood and teenage years. A vegan diet may not meet the daily requirement of calcium and protein for growth and bone-building. These nutrients should be obtained from other sources, especially for younger and older people, to assist growth and development.

Hormone Disruption

Vegans generally turn to soy as a source of plant protein. All soy products carry phytoestrogens, so you must be cautious about the quantity of soy you consume. Your hormone levels may be affected if you consume more than the suggested daily dose.

Research says that to defend themselves, plants like soy produce oral contraceptives. They developed chemicals that resemble oestrogen in nature. These phytoestrogens can mess with reproductive and growth hormones in mammals.

Leaky Gut

Vegans face a significant disadvantage because they must obtain their protein from plants, which is much more difficult to absorb. Legumes are one of the higher protein foods, but they also include anti-nutrients like phytates and lectin. It can result in intestinal difficulties and a condition known as ‘leaky gut.’ These antinutrients are not present in animal-based products.

Alternate Diets 

Given these limitations, it is crucial to understand that not every diet suits everyone. Therefore, it is also wise to customise your diet based on your body’s needs. The below-mentioned diet alternatives are similar to vegan in addition to a few alterations. 

Mediterranean Diet 

Animal products are consumed in a Mediterranean diet, but only in small amounts. Instead, vegetables, cereals, nuts, seeds, and plant-based healthful oils become the focus here.

Saturated fat-rich foods such as meat and dairy are limited, while those promoting health like whole grains and veggies are encouraged. Furthermore, protein, calcium and vitamin counts are much less likely to be impaired because of the consumption of meat products and dairy in small amounts.

Health Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet often gets linked to various health benefits, including a decreased risk of cancer, heart conditions, and chronic illnesses. 

Does it Help Lose Weight?

Many studies have looked into the Mediterranean diet’s effectiveness in weight loss. They all have revealed that the eating plan is helpful for weight loss as successful as comparable low-fat diets). While it does not significantly increase weight loss, it can aid in avoiding weight gain over time.

Is it Sustainable?

Compared to other more strict plant-based diets, like the vegan diet, the Mediterranean diet is very sustainable. This diet allows you to eat everything you want. Instead, whole, healthful foods are emphasised, while less healthy items get avoided from the diet.

Flexitarian Diet 

A flexitarian diet consists primarily of vegetarian foods. On the other hand, people who live a flexitarian lifestyle eat meat and seafood occasionally.

A flexitarian diet is similar to a vegetarian diet in terms of nutrition. However, eating meat and seafood occasionally can help you get additional protein and vitamin B12 while keeping your plant-based diet balanced.

Health Benefits of a Flexitarian Diet

Because a flexitarian diet is essentially a vegetarian, those who follow it are likely to get the same health benefits, such as improved heart health and a lower risk of numerous chronic diseases.

Does it Help Lose Weight?

If you want to lose weight, both the flexitarian and vegetarian diets are beneficial. Adding occasional seafood or meat to a vegetarian diet is unlikely to impact calorie intake significantly. However, because weight loss requires strict attention, the flexitarian diet may be slightly more successful.

Meat-based meals sometimes help you stay on your diet for longer, allowing you to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

Is it Sustainable?

Although studies have shown a minimal difference in adherence amongst plant-based diets, experts believe that a flexitarian diet is much more sustainable simply because it permits occasional treats. In addition, travelling, eating out, and hanging out with friends are all possible under this plan. 

Pescatarian Diet

A pescatarian diet consists primarily of plant-based foods with some fish and seafood thrown in for good measure. The focus on eating fish helps improve protein intake and healthy fat intake, particularly omega-3 fatty acids.

Health Benefits of a Pescatarian Diet

This diet provides the same health benefits as a vegetarian diet, although consuming seafood high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, or tuna, may provide additional help.

Fresh fish is lower in fat, salt, and other artificial additives (when compared to breaded or processed fish). These fatty acids aid in the maintenance of healthy arteries, reduce LDL cholesterol and lower triglyceride and blood pressure levels.

Does it Help Lose Weight?

This diet will most likely be just as efficient as a vegetarian diet. However, fish consumption may slightly increase overall calorie intake, satiety, and adherence.

Is it Sustainable?

This diet can easily sustain if you are a regular fish eater. Others, though, may find it less so. Cooking fish on a routine basis is not for everyone. 

Tips to Start a Vegan Diet

Your switch to a greener diet doesn’t have to be tough. You could start by increasing the amount of cooked or raw veggies on your plate for each meal. Eventually, you could include an all-vegetarian dinner once or twice a week. Then, continue adding vegan or vegetarian options to your meals until you feel comfortable and satisfied with the diet. 

Experiment with different grains, legumes, vegetables, and seasonings to make your meals more enjoyable. The notion that “vegetables are boring” may not be accurate. Furthermore, you can try a variety of cuisines that have unique flavours to them. 

You could request that the chef replace the meat with beans when eating out. You could also order a few vegetable-based appetisers and sides from the salad bar. In addition, you could visit ethnic restaurants like Indian, Thai, Mexican or Chinese places with plenty of vegan and vegetarian options. 


There are so many diet options available for you to choose from. Research reaffirms that the overall population needs a balanced, healthy diet that delivers the energy and minerals needed to thrive and stay fit. If you choose to get on one of the diets, make sure not to be rigid. Allow your body to figure out the change in your diet. Check if it suits you when it comes to satiety and energy levels. Visit your dietician and physician as they will help you plan your meals better. They can guide you to ensure you nourish your body well if you have any medical condition. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is vegan healthier than a regular diet?

A. Research has proven that vegans and vegetarians do have leaner bodies. As a result, they have an advantage in preventing and treating chronic conditions like heart conditions, blood pressure, digestion problems and certain cancers. 

Q. How is a vegan diet different from other diets?

A. A vegan diet excludes consuming all animal products, such as dairy, meat, eggs, animal fat and honey. Whereas other diets like the Mediterranean, flexitarian and Pescatarian allow consumption of some animal products(meat, dairy), occasional seafood and fish in their diets, respectively. 

Q. Do vegans have a higher life expectancy?

A. Research has not reached such a consensus about increased life span in vegans; however, vegans have certain advantages in preventing and treating chronic conditions like heart conditions, blood pressure, digestion problems and certain cancers. Therefore, it enhances their overall longevity. 

Q. Why do most vegans quit?

A. Many people find it challenging to stick to a vegan diet. However, the reasons you chose the diet, the encouragement you receive from people around you and your openness to try new foods and dishes may influence your tendency to adhere to the plan.

Q. Who should avoid a vegan diet?

A. People with conditions who absolutely require to consume protein-rich animal products; children and fast-growing teenage boys and girls should avoid going on a vegan diet. The diet might become too restrictive and not offer the nutrition that one’s body requires then. 

Q. Why should I not go vegan?

A. You might not want to go vegan because it can cause nutrient deficiencies like protein, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin D, etc. It can also lead to leaky gut conditions, hormone disruption and weaker bones. 

Q. Is a vegan diet lower in calories?

A. The vegan diet mainly involves eating plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, and beans. Hence, it is generally low in calories. It is also low in fat, unlike the consumption of animal products like meat, eggs, and milk. Besides being low in calories, it is high in vitamins and minerals and is rich in fibre that will keep you full for a long time. 

Q. Is vegan good for weight loss?

A. Due to its low fat and high fibre content, the principal mechanism by which a low-fat, vegan diet leads to a drop in body weight is probably a reduction in dietary energy density. Given all of the benefits of a vegan diet, including more fibre, better digestion, less trans fat, less saturated fat and more nutritional yet lower-calorie foods, it is easy to see why vegans would shed pounds effectively. 

Q. Are vegan diets superior to meat-inclusive diets?

A. Comparing these diets in terms of superiority may not make much sense. It might depend on the reason why you have chosen one specific diet out of these. Until the diet fulfils your reason and nourishes your body, it becomes superior. A balanced diet is the best for one to consume. Whether it is a vegan diet or a meat-inclusive diet, you should ensure they are balanced.

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