Vegan Diet – The Pros and Cons of the Popular Diet HealthifyMe - Blog HealthifyMe - Blog - The definitive guide to weight loss, fitness and living a healthier life.

Veganism is more than following a mere diet. It’s a way of life and an alternative lifestyle. Some opt for this vegan diet for ethical reasons or to prevent cruelty towards animals. Some simply do it for health reasons.

You’ve likely heard that eating more vegetables and fewer meat benefits your health. Whatever your motivation, veganism is growing in popularity. It also offers various health benefits, such as better blood sugar control and heart health. It can also aid in weight loss if that is your objective. 

This article strives to provide everything you need to know about veganism so you can form an opinion about whether it is right for you.

Various Types of Vegan Diet

Vegan diets come in a variety of types. 

Raw Vegan Diet

Individuals who follow a raw vegan diet eat solely uncooked vegan foods due to the assumption that many vitamins get lost by boiling food at high temperatures. It doesn’t imply that vegans must eat cold, frozen or chilled food.

They can cook their food at 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 Celsius). Raw vegan food includes raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and packaged items like raw vegan lasagna and raw vegan cheesecake.

Raw Till 4 Vegan Diet

It’s just what it sounds: raw until four o’clock. Vegans on this diet consume a raw vegan diet till 4 p.m. People think that eating raw food is healthier because cooking removes many nutrients. However, because not everyone prefers a strictly raw vegan diet, this plan allows vegans to have cooked vegan meals in the evenings. 

Whole Food Vegan Diet

Vegans who eat a whole-food vegan diet prefer a diet high in whole foods. The idea is to include the least processed and unrefined foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. In addition, vegans who eat whole foods aim to avoid packaged vegan foods.

Junk Food Vegan Diet

Few vegans can survive solely on vegan junk food. However, the rapid proliferation of vegan junk food means that vegans can now enjoy burgers, ice cream, and hot dogs.

As a result, these vegans are known as junk-food vegans. In addition, these vegans consume many vegan manufactured foods and fake meats.

80/10/10 diet

The 80/10/10 diet is a raw vegan diet that focuses on raw fruits and soft greens rather than fat-rich vegetables like nuts and avocados. It’s also known as the fruitarian diet or the low-fat, raw-food vegan diet.

Gluten-Free Vegan Diet

A gluten-free, vegan diet excludes all animal products and gluten-containing substances. Gluten is a group of proteins in wheat (durum, spelt, wheat, and einkorn), rye, and barley.

Gluten is a glue that keeps foods together and helps them keep their structure. Being vegan and gluten-free was thought to be nearly impossible. However, many people presently adopt a gluten-free, vegan diet. Vegan and gluten-free junk food, such as this delectable vegan, gluten-free cookie dough, are also available.

The HealthifyMe Note

Some people follow a fruitarian vegan diet. It is a vegan diet that allows only fruits, nuts and seeds. While very few vegans sustain themselves on fruits, most people who just started veganism eat lots of processed vegan food and mock meats. Avoiding processed vegan food and replacing it with whole foods is always a better and healthier choice. 

Vegan Nutrition

Variety is essential for a nutritious vegan diet. Fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, seeds, and legumes are all a balanced vegan diet.


Meeting your protein intake through a vegetarian diet is already hard, so ensuring adequate protein intake on a vegan diet requires a little focus and meal planning. The idea is to consume a diverse diet. Lentils, chickpeas, tofu, peas, peanut butter, soy milk and other plant-based milk, almonds, spinach, broccoli, kale, and nutritional yeast are some protein-rich vegan options.


Vegan diets are cholesterol-free and contain less saturated fat. As a result, following a vegan diet makes it simple to follow recommendations for lowering the risk of major chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Oils, margarine, nuts, nut butter, seed butter, avocado, and coconut are high-fat foods you should consume in moderation.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is not present in a vegan diet; however, people can make it after sunlight exposure. Furthermore, vitamin D-fortified soy, rice, almond, cashew, and grain milk are all good sources of vitamin D. 


Calcium is present in dark green vegetables, calcium-fortified tofu, calcium-fortified soy milk and orange juice, and many other vegan foods.

Although consuming less animal protein may reduce calcium losses, there is currently insufficient evidence to imply that vegans require less calcium. Therefore, vegans should consume calcium-rich foods and take calcium supplements. Okra, turnip greens, soybeans, tempeh, almond butter, broccoli, bok choy, and commercial soy yoghurt are all excellent calcium sources.


Vegan diets can give zinc levels comparable to or even exceed the RDA. Also, grain, legumes, and nuts all contain zinc.


Dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables are exceptionally high in iron and are better per calorie than meat. When you combine vitamin C-rich foods alongside iron-rich foods, your iron absorption improves dramatically. Soybeans, lentils, blackstrap molasses, kidney beans, chickpeas, black-eyed peas, Swiss chard, tempeh, black beans, prune juice, beet greens, tahini, peas, bulgur, bok choy, raisins, watermelon, millet, and kale are all excellent sources of iron.

Pros of a Vegan Diet

There are various pros to following a vegan diet. Those concerned about their health will discover that a vegan diet has numerous health benefits for those who care about the environment. However, the benefits are enormous whether you choose this lifestyle for health, environmental, or ethical reasons.

Here are some health benefits of a vegan diet.

Could Aid Weight Loss

When you shift from a meat-heavy to a plant-based diet, your risk of obesity lowers. Vegan diets can aid weight loss without the need for active calorie reduction since high-calorie foods get substituted with high-fibre alternatives. As a result, they are low in calories and keep you satisfied for longer.

According to many observational studies, vegans are leaner and have lower BMIs than non-vegans. In addition, another study indicated that persons eating a low-fat, high-fibre vegan diet lost more weight than those eating a standard low-fat diet.

Lower Your Cancer Risk

Vegans consume far more beans, fruits, and vegetables than non-vegans do. According to the study, vegans may have a 15% decreased risk of acquiring cancer.

It may also lower the risk of colon, prostate, and pancreas tumours. Furthermore, vegan diets include more soy products, which may provide some protection against breast cancer. On the other hand, studies have connected high-fat dairy products to increased breast and prostate cancer risk when taken regularly. 

Certain forms of cancer can occur due to excess consumption of red meat, smoked meat, processed meats, and meats cooked at high temperatures. Vegans naturally avoid these foods since their diet does not include meat.

As a result, this may reduce their cancer risk. However, a vegan diet full of junk food and nutritionally inadequate may affect one adversely. In that case, such generalisations are not representative of the ideal situation. 

Lower Blood Sugar Levels

The link between diet and type 2 diabetes is well understood. Vegans have lower blood sugar levels and improved insulin sensitivity, suggesting a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

According to one study, a vegan diet decreases blood sugar levels in people with diabetes more than the recommended diet. In addition, plants include fewer saturated fats than animal meals, elevating cholesterol levels and increasing your risk of type 2 diabetes. It may also help relieve pain caused by peripheral neuropathy, a frequent ailment in people with diabetes.

Lower your Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, raises the risk of health problems like heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, the foods you consume can have an impact.

For example, several studies have indicated that a plant-based diet lowers blood pressure and your risk of developing certain illnesses. 

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Meat includes saturated fat, which can cause heart problems if consumed in large amounts. So, by cutting back on meat and increasing your intake of plant-based foods, you’re helping your heart. But it’s not just about cutting back on meat; you also need to make sure the plant-based foods you’re eating are nutritious. 

An ideal plate must include whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and healthy oils (such as olive oil) instead of bad plant foods like processed grains and sugary beverages, which can raise your risk of heart disease. According to one study, this diet lowers the risk of heart disease by as much as 46%.

Contributes to Fibre Content

Doctors and nutritionists recommend consuming 30 grams of fibre daily, which we rarely do. Going plant-based makes it easier to meet our daily fibre requirements.

Insoluble sources of fibre bulk up our stools, while soluble fibre permits them to absorb water. As a result, one can avoid constipation much more easily. Whole grains (oats, quinoa, brown rice), legumes (split peas, lentils, black beans, chickpeas), nuts, and seeds contribute to a vegan diet’s fibre.

Lower Pain from Arthritis

Vegan diets rich in antioxidants and natural foods may help people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Also, studies show that a vegan diet can help with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms like pain, joint swelling, and morning stiffness. These benefits are because of the vegan diet’s higher antioxidant, probiotics, and fibre content and the absence of some trigger foods.

The HealthifyMe Note

Vegetarian and vegan balanced diets have a higher proportion of glutamic acid and plant-based protein, which reduce blood pressure. Furthermore, vegetarian meals contain more fibre, antioxidants, potassium, and less saturated fat and sodium, leading to a lower BMI and blood pressure reading.

Environmental Benefits

Veganism is popular among some people because they believe it is better for the environment. However, environmentalists are becoming increasingly concerned. Pollution, climate change, and deforestation are just three reasons we should switch to a plant-based diet to benefit the Earth.

Animal Welfare

Animals suffer when people consume animal products. Billions of sentient beings are confined, penned, mutilated, manipulated, force-bred, force-fed, and slaughtered to feed the world’s taste buds. Stopping eating animals and being vegan is the only way to halt unthinkable levels of misery.

Cons of a Vegan Diet

Veganism, like any other diet, has its cons. However, veganism can be a healthy, sustainable diet for some people. Still, it’s vital to learn about the risks of this popular eating pattern before committing to it.

Lack of Essential Minerals

Even though fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, there are a few nutrients that you can obtain through animal sources. Unfortunately, a diet devoid of all animal products has considerable nutritional disadvantages. These include calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-12, and folate.

Vitamin B-12: The lack of these nutrients might cause bone and muscle loss if you don’t supplement your diet with vitamin tablets or fortified cereals. You may experience weakness, weariness, constipation, and a loss of appetite if you don’t get enough B-12. Pernicious anaemia is a disorder caused by a deficit. According to a study, vegetarian or vegan people may require supplements.

Low Vitamin D: Vegan diets can be deficient in vitamin D. Technically, non-vegan diets can also be deficient in vitamin D as vitamin D is obtained mainly from sunshine exposure. Maitake mushrooms and portobello mushrooms exposed to UV light are two potential vegan sources of vitamin D. Also, fortified nut milk might help you receive your Vitamin D during winter. 

Low Iron: Iron is essential for delivering oxygen throughout the body, but getting enough of it on a vegan diet can be tricky. Vegans must rely on non-heme iron, found in plant sources such as fruits and vegetables because they do not ingest heme iron. Unfortunately, unlike heme iron, it is not easily absorbed by the body.

Furthermore, certain plant-based chemicals can limit iron absorption further, making it more difficult for vegans to ingest enough iron. You should only use iron supplements if you have a verified deficiency. Supplementing with too much iron might cause health problems and limit the absorption of other minerals, as per a study.

Low Omega-3-Fatty Acid – A study noted that vegan diets are low in two omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Your body needs them for a healthy heart, eyes, and brain function. For example, walnuts, soy, pumpkin, flax, and chia seeds can help you get more alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that your body converts to the other two types.

It’s Difficult to Eat Out at Restaurants and Events

Such a rigid diet is inconvenient when visiting restaurants, travelling, or visiting friends. Because many restaurants do not provide vegan entrees, you may find yourself stuck with a plate of rice, beans, or fries.

On the other hand, you might be able to make a vegan meal out of the salads or side dishes on the menu. You should, however, inquire to ensure that no animal products were part of the preparation. Many cultural activities and festivals, too, feature non-vegan staples, which can be a hindrance.

Food Options are Restricted

Veganism is the most restricted form of a plant-based diet. That level of restriction may be excessive for some individuals. Remember that any food or product that comprises an animal by-product is also prohibited.

At least one animal by-product is present in many traditional home meals, grocery items, and restaurant cuisines. Many vegans will tell you that this diet offers many food options. However, because it differs significantly from your usual diet, you may find it restrictive at first.

The HealthifyMe Note

The transition to a vegan lifestyle requires well planning to avoid the dangers of nutritional deficiencies. A proper vegan diet takes planning and preparation. Consider preparing your meals, writing grocery lists ahead of time, and shopping wisely. 


The best diet for any individual will ultimately depend on age, fitness levels, overall health, and personal food preferences. The vegan diet almost always positively impacts one’s health. However, like with any diet, these benefits will only occur if you stick to it and focus on nutrient-dense plant foods rather than excessively processed meals. Vegans who cannot achieve their daily nutrient requirements through diet alone can consider taking supplements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What do you eat on a vegan diet?

A. Veganism is a diet based on plants. Vegans replace animal products with plant-based alternatives such as tofu, tempeh, seitan, legumes, nuts, butter, seeds, whole grains and cereals, fruits, and vegetables. 

Q2. What can’t you eat on a vegan diet?

A. Vegans avoid consuming any animal products or meals containing animal-derived substances. Meat and poultry, fish and seafood, dairy, egg, bee products, and animal-based components are among them. 

Q3. Is vegan good for weight loss?

A. A vegan diet that emphasises nutritious, whole plant meals while limiting processed foods may aid weight loss by allowing people to consume fewer calories without intentionally restricting their intake.

Q4. Can a vegan eat eggs?

A. No, because veganism is a plant-based diet, they do not consume eggs, although they can eat egg substitutes. For example, Chia and flax seeds are excellent egg substitutes in baking. Also, scrambled tofu is a perfect vegan substitute for scrambled eggs.

Q5. Can vegans eat pizza?

A. Vegans can eat just as wonderful and enjoyable food as vegan pizza. There are numerous methods to customise a pizza recipe, starting with the base and ending with the toppings. This pizza will contain vegetables, herbs, healthy spices, and flavorful sauces. Pizza cooked with wheat flour, herb sauces, and vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, capsicum, olives, and other vegetables is a health and taste powerhouse.

Q6. Do vegans drink alcohol?

A. Vegans are allowed to consume alcohol. Vegan-friendly alcohol is probably more popular than non-vegan alcohol. The issue that vegans face while drinking alcohol is that some drinks may include trace amounts of animal ingredients. In contrast, others may be manufactured using non-vegan processes, so you must be cautious. However, there will always be something to drink because there are several famous vegan wines, beer, and liquor companies. 

Q7. What should a vegan eat for beginners?

A. Vegans can consume any plant-based diet, including fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, spices, herbs, vegan beverages, frozen pizza, vegan ice cream, and other vegan junk food. In addition, avocado Sushi, carrot Salman, algae soup, tofu, beans, and lentils are options.

Q8. Can vegans drink coffee?

A. While regular black coffee is vegan, cafe au lait, cappuccino, and other coffee beverages are not. Milk, creamers, and dried powders are standard dairy products (dry milk and powdered creamers). So if you’re a coffee drinker, plant milk is the obvious choice.

Q9. What can I eat instead of meat?

A. There are various meat alternatives that vegans can include in their diets, such as tofu, tempeh, soy protein, oats flakes, black beans, and chickpeas, which are the best for providing your protein needs.

Q10. What Can vegans eat for breakfast?

A. Vegan breakfasts may taste and satisfy similarly to regular breakfasts. Still, they are virtually always healthier than their meat or dairy equivalents. Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake, Spiced Pumpkin Oatmeal, Vegan French Toast, Breakfast Burritos, and Nutrient-Packed Banana Berry Smoothie Bowl are just a few of the many vegan breakfast options available.

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