Do you ever find yourself bored, tired, overwhelmed, or worn out? If so, this episode is for you. In today’s conversation, Robin shares what it looks like to find restoration in moments of needing a break. Robin reveals habits she’s found in her own life that aren’t serving her, and how she’s making a shift to find restoration vs. relief.

Join Robin in this quick episode to learn more about restoration vs. relief and how you can implement more habits into your life that fill you up.

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Robin shares habits she’s recognized in her own life that don’t restore her 
  • The difference between finding relief vs. restoration in overwhelming moments
  • What are restorative habits 
  • What it looks like if something provides “relief” 
  • What are habits of relief 
  • Why you should pay attention to what you turn to in moments of being overwhelmed
  • Why you should make a list of restorative habits 

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The post Are your habits providing relief or restoration? appeared first on The Balanced Life.

from The Balanced Life