What is Pranayama - How to do Pranayama

Pranayama : Nowadays, the way people are abandoning the natural lifestyle and running fast behind the materialism, we have suffered somewhere or the other. The biggest example of which is seen as COVID-19.

Nowadays we have become dependent on medicine for even the smallest diseases, due to which the immunity of our body is continuously decreasing. Whenever we use antibiotics for a disease, then the bacteria present in our body develop immunity against that medicine. Due to which we have to use antibiotics in more quantity.

And in today's era, this sequence has become the biggest reality of life. Due to which there comes a time in life when our life is completely supported by medicines. Have you ever thought that animals and birds are the least sick? Know why this is because they do not eat medicines for every minor disease, but instead increase their immunity by restraining the diet.

If you also want to live a disease-free life and develop your immunity system i.e. the disease system even more, then you should make Pranayama  described in Ashtanga Yoga a definite part of your life.

 PRANAYAMA  is the practice of living longevity and health life. If we make this practice a part of our life, then we can live a healthy life.

It is written in many mythological Yoga Upanishads that if a person does pranayam every day, then he stays away from every disease. Small diseases never touch him and his body remains young for a long time and that person lives a long and healthy life. And if a person is suffering from diseases then he should start doing pranayama. Gradually, over time, his illnesses begin to end. That is why it is very important to do pranayam in today's time, so let's know what is pranayama? Pranayama in English

What is pranayama? Pranayama in English

Pranayama is a yoga group of two words which is made up of two words like Prana + Dimension. In which prana means life and dimension means by the door. If it is called the door to live a healthy life, then it will not be an exaggeration.


Pranayama means healing your life, increasing your life by breathing, which increases the capacity of the lungs and leads to more death in the body. The more life goes into the body, the more oxygen content will also increase and the body will feel more powerful and active. Doing pranayama has many benefits for our body, but the biggest thing is that by doing pranayama, you keep away from big dangerous diseases like diabetes, heart attack, cancer, asthma etc., and if you have got this disease then regular pranayama To reduce the rate of progression of these diseases, the immune system starts developing in the body.

There are eight parts of yoga which are called ashtanga yoga. Pranayama is a part of this Ashtanga yoga. Which is as follows

Yoga Health Tips No
Types of Pranayama: Types Of Pranayama
Pranayama is mainly of 13 types, which is as follows.

Bhastrika Pranayam
Anulom Vilom Pranayam
Kapalbhati Pranayam
Bahri Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayam
Udgeeth Pranayama
Pranav Pranayama
Agnisar Pranayama
Ujjayi Pranayama
Sitkari Pranayam
Sheetali Pranayama
Chandra Bhedi Pranayam
Surya Bhedi Pranayam
Rules of Pranayama:
It is very important to follow some rules to do pranayama. This rule is very simple, but following these rules, practicing Pranayama regularly gives immense benefits. Before doing pranayama, we should understand these rules well only then we should practice it.

Before doing pranayama, our mind and body should be clean from inside and outside.
All the disorders of your mind should be removed.
The seating area should be clean and the posture should be spread on the ground.
The sitting posture should be simple. You can sit in Sukhasana, Siddhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana in any posture, you should sit in the same posture in which you have ease.
The back should be straight.
If there is difficulty in sitting in the ground, then you can also do pranayama by sitting on a chair.
When doing pranayama, appropriate power should be used. Do not use physical or mental power more than necessary.
While doing pranayama, the body should remain completely loose and do not take unnecessary stress.
The exchange of breath should be smooth and equitable.
Pranayama should be done at a slow pace for the patients of high blood pressure.
If the impression has taken place, at least after six months Pranayama should be practiced.
Chant your favorite with every breath. It is best to pronounce ॐ.
How to do Pranayama? Pranayama Kaise Kare
If possible, at the time of sun rise early in the morning, after retirement, sit on any clean posture (Sukhasana) on a clean land. And the postures of the hand should be in the knowledge posture, meditation posture or air posture.

Healthy life rules 

1. Bhastrika Pranayam: Bhastrika Pranayam in English

The first pranayam in the process of pranayama is Bhastrika pranayama. First of all sit in any of the postures mentioned above. After that, by taking a long breath from both the nostrils, they will slowly fill the lungs and then slowly, the entire breath will come out of the lungs. The speed of taking and leaving the breath should be the same.

Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama: Bhastrika Pranayam benefits

Due to this, there will be plenty of oxygen in our lungs and lungs will become healthy and strong.
This will strengthen our heart and reduce the diseases related to the heart ..
This increases intelligence power and cures all the diseases related to the brain.
Parkinson's, paralysis, lulapan, etc., are beneficial in all the diseases related to the nerves.
2. Anulom-Vilom Pranayam Method: Anulom Vilom Pranayam
Anulom Vilom Pranayama is also called pulse resection pranayama . First of all, put your fingers under your nose and see which of your nostrils are on. There are 2 nadis in your nose, Ingala and Pingala. If the air is coming from the right nose, then it means that your right lung is active. And if there is air coming from the left nose, then it shows that your left lung is active, so first we will open this closed nose. Now the nose through which air is not coming. We will clean the pulse first. For this, you will close the nose through which the air is coming, and slowly take a long breath from the nose through which the air is not coming, and will slowly exhale.

Now close your right nose with the thumb of your right hand and take a long breath from the left nose. Now close your left nostril with your second finger and exhale through the right nostril. Now reverse this, now take a long breath from the right nose and then close the right nose and exhale through the left nose, you will do this for at least 5 minutes and after doing this, both your nostrils will open.

Benefits of Anulom-Vilom Pranayam: Anulom Vilom pranayam benefits

By doing this pranayama, the blockage of the heart opens. There are benefits in both high blood pressure and low blood pressure. By doing this pranayama, clean oxygen is delivered to the lungs, which gives very good benefit in diseases related to the lungs and strengthens the lungs. It also increases memory power and provides benefits in all diseases related to migraine and brain.

3. Kapalbhati Pranayam Method: Kapalbhati Pranayam in English

Now we will do Kapalbhati Pranayama. Sitting in Sukhasana to do Kapalbhati. And by throwing your breath towards the spring, the stomach has to be pushed inwards. In this, the breath has to be left out. As soon as you exhale, the breath will automatically go in again. You do not have to take a deliberate breath. Do this process for at least 5 minutes.

Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayam: Kapalbhati Pranayam benefits in English

Hair problems are solved .
Wrinkles of the face and dark spots under the eye disappear.
The problem of thyroid disappears.
The light of the eyes increases.
By doing this, the excess fat of the stomach is reduced.
There is a lot of benefit in stomach diseases like constipation, acidity, gastric, hemorrhoids etc.
The brightness of the face increases.
4. External Pranayama Method: Bahya Pranayama
Proper practice is required to perform external pranayama. External pranayama means keeping the breath out and binding it. To do this pranayama, first take the entire breath out of the lungs and stomach, then stop the breath and apply three bonds.

Jalandhar Bandh : - After exhaling, by shrinking the neck, the chin is attached to the chest.
Udayan bandhan : - Stretches the stomach completely towards the back. It feels as if the stomach and back are merged into one.
Basic bandage : - Your anal door (Anal) has to be pulled completely upwards.
One has to stay in this state for some time. Repeat this exercise 5-6 times.

Benefits of external pranayama: Benefits of Bahya Pranayama
By regularizing this practice, stomach diseases like constipation, acidity, gas etc. diseases are eliminated from the root itself.
It is also beneficial in diseases like infertility.
The excruciating disease like hernia is completely cured.
All diseases related to metal and urine are eliminated.
This increases the concentration power of the mind.
5. Bhramari Pranayam Method: Bhramari Pranayam
Bhramari pranayama is like nectar for brain diseases. It is very easy to do it. First of all sit in any simple posture, then close both your ears completely with both thumbs, then put both your index fingers on your forehead, then close the eyes and keep the fingers of both hands on both eyes. Then fill the long breath with the nose and chant ॐ in one breath. Repeat this sequence 5-6 times.

Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama: Bhramari Pranayama benefits in English
Bhramari Pranayama is a panacea for the mind. All types of mental diseases are cured by this. It has many benefits. Which is as follows…

Headache, migraine etc. are very beneficial for diseases.
You get mental peace. Due to which both the mind and brain remain happy and calm.
By doing Bhramari Pranayama, mental tension is removed and new energy is transmitted.
Mental concentration increases and nervousness is reduced.
Blood pressure : By regular practice of this pranayama, blood pressure enters the control.
Depression : If you suffer from depression it pranayama will serve as a panacea for you.
Kama gets control over lust and anger.
Willpower and will power increase.
6. Udgith Pranayama: Udgeeth Pranayama
Udgit Pranayama is a kind of meditation pranayama. This pranayama is also called "Omkari chanting". This is a very simple pranayama. First of all sit in any posture. Then take a long breath in through the nose, and then slowly come out, chanting the whole breath. Take 10-15 seconds to exhale breath while chanting ॐ. In this way the process of one breath is completed. Practice at least 10-15 of this pranayama.

Benefits of Udgith Pranayama : Benefits Of Udgeeth Pranayama in English
Memory increases.
Increases ability to do physical and mental work.
There is unprecedented relief in anxiety, fear, nervousness, depression, migraine pain, blood pressure etc.
There is a communication of positive energy.
Confidence grows.
7. Pranav Pranayama: Pranav Pranayama 
First of all sit in meditation posture. After that, close your eyes. Then, taking a deep breath slowly, I will chant में in the mind. Practice this state 10-15 times.

Benefits of Pranav Pranayama: Pranav Pranayama Benifits

There is a communication of positive energy.
Confidence grows.
Memory increases.
Increases ability to do physical and mental work.
There is unprecedented relief in anxiety, fear, nervousness, depression, migraine pain, blood pressure etc.
8. Agnisara Kriya: Agnisar Pranayama
This action is nectar for stomach patients. First of all, you have to sit in any posture. After that, you have to take a long breath, then you have to hold out the entire breath and then you have to move your stomach back and forth. Keep in mind that no other part of the body has to be moved in addition to the stomach. There will be some difficulty in doing this pranayama in the beginning. But as soon as you practice it 5-8 times. You will find it simple.

Benefits of Agnisara Kriya: Agnisar Pranayama Benefits in English 

By regularizing this practice, stomach diseases like constipation, acidity, gas etc. diseases are eliminated from the root itself.
It is also beneficial in diseases like infertility.
The excruciating disease like hernia is completely cured.
All diseases related to metal and urine are eliminated.
This increases the concentration power of the mind.
9. How to do Ujjayi Pranayama: Ujjayi Pranayama Kaise Kare
Ujjai is the fourth most important of the eight pranayams. In Ujjai Pranayama, the neck is narrowed and the chin is attached to the chest. Then, through the throat, we fill deep breaths in the lungs, then keep the breath inside as much as possible. While filling the breath, a tone comes from the throat. When there is a desire to leave the breath, the midwife closes the nose with the thumb and exhales from the left nose. In this way one cycle is completed. Practice 2-3 cycles at a time. This pranayama can also be done 7-11 times if proper practice is done. Do this exercise only once in 24 hours.

Benefits of Ujjayi Pranayama: Ujjayi Pranayama Benefits in English

Ujjai Pranayama is very beneficial for thyroid.
Grievances, stuttering, etc. are also eliminated.
Insomnia also reduces mental stress.
It is also very beneficial in T • B • (Tuberculosis).
Ujjai is a panacea for those who have frequent infections in the throat.
Eliminates frozen phlegm in the throat.
10. How to do Sitkari Pranayama? Sitkari Pranayam Kaise Kare
Sitkari Pranayama is also called Sitkar Pranayam. While doing this pranayama, the sound of 'Sit-Sit' is produced, due to which it is called Sitkari Pranayam. First of all sit in any posture. After this, both the jaws have to be closed by attaching the tongue to the palate. Now open your mouth a little bit and you have to draw the breath in your mouth. Now the breath has to be stopped for a while, then the process of exhaling the breath through the nose is called sitkari pranayama.

Benefits of Sitkari Pranayama? Sitkari Pranayam Benefits in English

Soothes the stomach heat and irritation.
This pranayama is beneficial for those people who sweat more.
This pranayama provides coolness to the body.
With the regular practice of Iya Pranayama, pure air is circulated in the body.
This enhances facial beauty.
Dental diseases like cold-hot water, pyorrhea, larynx, nose, ears and mouth diseases are beneficial.
11. How to do Sitali Pranayama? Sheetali Pranayama  Kaise Kare
Sheetali Pranayama provides coolness as per its name. Similar to Sitkari Pranayama, this pranayama reduces body temperature and provides coolness. This pranayama provides not only physical but also mental peace. This pranayama is very beneficial during summer.

To do this pranayama, first of all sit in any posture. Close your eyes and keep your hands in the knowledge, or meditation posture. After that, while giving shape to your tongue, take breath from the tongue in full. And after making Jalandhar Bandha, hold the breath for a while and slowly get out of the nasal cavity. In this way one sequence of this pranayama is completed. You should do this sequence at least 10-15 times. People of Kapha tendency and do not do this pranayama when the atmosphere is cold.

Benefits of Sheetali Pranayama? Sheetali Pranayam Benefits in English

Reduces mental stimulation.
Hunger reduces the desire for thirst.
Soothes the stomach heat and irritation.
With the regular practice of Iya Pranayama, pure air is circulated in the body.
This enhances facial beauty.
12. How to do Chandrabhedi Pranayama? Chandra Bhedi Pranayam
First of all Chandra piercing should sit in any posture. Keep the spine, waist, and neck perfectly straight. After that, take the posture of your left hand in the knowledge posture, and close the right nose with the thumb of the right hand and take a deep breath from the left nose. Keep the breath as close as possible, after that, slowly exhale through the right nose. In this way one cycle of Chandrabhedi Pranayama is completed. Do this at least 10-15 times. The breath order should be normal.

Benefits of Chandrabhedi Pranayama? Chandra Bhedi Pranayam ke fayde
Performing Chandrabhedi Pranayama relieves mental stress and physical tiredness.
This pranayama is very beneficial in heart diseases.
It is also very beneficial in diseases related to the lungs.
This increases the brightness of the face.
Age increases.
13. How to do Suryabhedi Pranayama? Surya Bhedi Pranayam kaise kare
Before performing Suryabhedi Pranayam, sit in any posture. Keep the spine, waist, and neck perfectly straight. After that take your right hand posture in the knowledge posture, and close the left nose with the thumb of the left hand and take a deep breath through the right nose. Keep the breath as close as possible, after that, slowly exhale the breath from the left nose. In this way one cycle of Suryabhedi Pranayama is completed. Do this at least 10-15 times. The breath order should be normal.

Benefits of Suryabhedi Pranayama? Surya Bhedi Pranayam Benefits in English

Performing Suryabhedi Pranayama relieves mental stress and physical tiredness.
This pranayama is very beneficial in heart diseases.
It is also very beneficial in diseases related to the lungs.
This increases the brightness of the face.
Age increases.
Which diseases are overcome by doing pranayama?
If Pranayama is said to be a medicine for a thousand diseases, it will not be an exaggeration. There are thousands of benefits of doing pranayam, which we cannot even count you. There is hardly any part of our body that is deprived of the benefits of pranayama. It works for Chyawanprash for all organs of liver, heart, kidney, lungs, brain, eyes, etc. Below is a description of some diseases in which Pranayama does infallible work.

It works well in insomnia.
There is a panacea in lung related diseases.
Anemia is eliminated.
Diseases remain far away from the heart.
One gets relief from mental diseases like depression etc.
Very beneficial in diabetes etc.
Slows the pace of cancer growth.
Beneficial in hypertension.
The panacea also works in hypotension.
Diseases like dreaming are destroyed and there is an increase in semen.
Erectile dysfunction

10 major causes of weight gain
Ashwagandha ke fayde aur nuksan
Friends, if you are suffering from any of these diseases or want to lead a happy life, then you should make Pranayama an integral part of your life. By doing pranayama, the defects of vata, bile and phlegm are removed and the digestive system, lungs, liver and kidney are well exercised. Obesity , asthma, tuberculosis and respiratory diseases disappear. It is considered beneficial in all diseases related to the nerves.