If anxiety (anxiety) remains in Ayurveda, there is an easy cure for it, know how to remove anxiety from Ayurvedacharya


If anxiety (anxiety) remains in Ayurveda, there is an easy cure for it, know how to remove anxiety from Ayurvedacharya

Anxiety is a mental state in which a person experiences a lot of fear and discomfort. The treatment of anxiety is also possible through Ayurvedic methods. 

Anxiety is a mental state in which a person experiences a lot of discomfort, fear and discomfort. Due to this, the person starts feeling very restless, fast heart rate, sweating from the body. We all express concern in one or the other of our actions. For example, during the preparation of the examination, during the non-office work, about the children, taking any necessary decision, etc. there are many such situations, which worry about us. In these situations, taking care of us sometimes proves to be better than us. Because worrying increases the energy in our body and keeps us focused, Which gives the power to deal with that situation. But sometimes it dominates us. Which instead of harming human beings starts to harm. This is called anxiety disorder. In the anxiety disorder, fear within the person settles down permanently. It lasts for a long time inside them. In this situation, anxiety seems to increase rather than relieve. Many people, family, home, job performance, collegework etc. are affected due to anxiety disorder. Psychiatric medicines are used to remove anxiety disorder. But let us tell you that treatment of anxiety disorder is also possible by an Ayurvedic doctor. If you are unaware of this, then let us know from Ayurvedic experts about this in detail- It seems to increase. Many people, family, home, job performance, collegework etc. are affected due to anxiety disorder. Psychiatric medicines are used to remove anxiety disorder. But let us tell you that treatment of anxiety disorder is also possible by an Ayurvedic doctor. If you are unaware of this, then let us know from Ayurvedic experts about this in detail- It seems to increase. Many people are affected by family, home, job performance, collegework, etc. due to anxiety disorder. Psychiatric medicines are used to remove anxiety disorder. But let us tell you that treatment of anxiety disorder is also possible by an Ayurvedic doctor. If you are unaware of this, then let us know from Ayurvedic experts about this in detail-

What is Ayurvedacharya said?

Rahul Chaturvedi, Ayurveda doctor of Ghaziabad Swarna Jayanti, says that in Ayurveda, anxiety is a vata dosha, in which vata accumulates in our nervous system. Vata is a dynamic element. According to experts, anxiety can happen to anyone. In this, you cannot say that anxiety disorder is more in the elderly. Many such cases have been seen in which the youth have also suffered from anxiety disorder. In Ayurveda, treatment of anxiety disorder is possible. For this, an attempt is made to remove the vata dosha inside the patient. Let's know about it in detail-

How to treat anxiety disorder in Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, treatment of anxiety disorder is possible. In this, patients have to go through many procedures. Let's know about it -

Nervous system is made calm by Shirodhara
Shirodhara has special significance in Ayurveda. Shirodhara is a Sanskrit word consisting of two words, Shiro and Dhara. Shiro means head and stream means flow. Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic therapy, in which hot oil is continuously flowed from the forehead. This calms a person's nervous system. According to Ayurveda experts, continuous use of oil makes our brain and pituitary gland healthy. This improves blood circulation in the head. Along with this, many herbs are used in this oil, using which try to reduce the symptoms of migraine and anxiety disorder .

I advise you to do yoga

According to Ayurveda experts, sometimes patients are advised to do yoga asanas instead of giving them body therapy. In this, patients are asked to perform asana in Tadasana, Matsayasana, Shashankaasana, Shavasana etc. With the help of these yogasanas, an attempt is made to calm the mind. You can incorporate it into regular practice by knowing the techniques of doing yoga with any yoga expert.

Herbs also cure anxiety disorder

Apart from therapy and yogasana, there are also attempts to overcome anxiety disorder with the help of herbs. Let's know about some such special herbs-

Mandukaparni herb is used in Ayurveda to make the body active and strong. Mandukaparni strengthens your memory capacity. Along with this, intellectual development is also good. According to Ayurveda expert, regular intake of this herb can help you control anxiety disorder. It calms the brain by providing strength in your nerves. This herb detoxifies your body by excluding excess salt and water present in the body. Mandukparni can prove effective in keeping the heart and mind fit. You can take it as per the advice of any Ayurveda expert.

Gotu kola
Gotu kola is an Ayurvedic medicine, which is used for many neurological disorders. To get rid of mental problems in Ayurveda, it is recommended to take Gotu Kola. It is helpful in reducing anxiety disorder. On seeing symptoms of anxiety, you can take Gotu Cola as per expert advice. Keep in mind that you do not have to consume it without consulting experts.

Consume liquorice
Mulethi is very beneficial in removing Vata dosha. It is helpful in treating anxiety disorder by calming the mind. With this, the problem of muscle aches, sore throat, cramps etc. can be overcome. An anti-oxidant is present in liquorice, which provides strength to the nerves. The decoction of liquorice is effective in removing all your problems. In case of symptoms of anxiety disorder, be sure to consume it according to the expert's time.

Brahmi is effective
Brahmi as a nerve tonic can be used for centuries in Ayurveda. It acts as a memory booster. This herb has been in use for many years. It improves the blood circulation of your brain. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which are effective in relieving anxiety disorder.

Jatamansi herb can prove to be very effective in improving brain function. The antioxidant elements in it boost your memory power. Also, it does not allow cells in our body to be damaged. It is such an Ayurvedic medicine, which removes mental problems and relieves anxiety disorder.

What to do and what not to do in case of anxiety disorder?

Exercise regularly.
Take care of physical hygiene.
Listen to favorite songs.
Go to your favorite place.
Try to be tense.
Reduce meat and fish intake. 
Do not consume cold drinks.
Do not consume smoke.
Do not sleep late at night.
Stay away from stale food and drink.