Do you have stomach ache after eating food? Learn the reasons and prevention

Do you have stomach ache after eating food?  Learn the reasons and prevention
If you go through a stomach ache after eating food and are unable to enjoy your food, there can be many reasons behind it. Thus it is important to find out why there is pain in the stomach after eating anything.

Abdominal pain, bloating, gastric pain or vomiting are some of the common problems that people often have after eating a meal. This can be a serious problem every time you eat. It deprives you and your body of essential nutrients. Abdominal pain or indigestion can be caused by various reasons and it is important to find out the reason for the same. People often eat medicines to get immediate relief from this. However, you should visit your doctor to find out the real problem behind it. All these signs can indicate something serious. Here we are trying to know the causes of stomach ache problem after meals.

Possible causes of stomach ache after meals:
1. Eating too much
Sometimes, we fill ourselves up so much that it often causes abdominal pain. Our body needs time to break down and digest food. Thus, we should ensure that we all eat in moderation.

2. Food Hypersensitivity
When our body lacks enzymes, it cannot break down food into smaller particles. Thus, we start feeling pain after meals. This is known as food hypersensitivity. This may cause constipation, diarrhea, blisters, gas etc.

3. Food allergy
It is almost like food hypersensitivity. Under this condition, our body cannot accept certain foods. A variety of food allergies are prevalent such as dairy, starch, spice or even grain allergies.

4. celiac disease
When our body is unable to digest gluten, it is known as celiac disease. It is a type of protein present in foods like barley, rye, gram flour, semolina, wheat etc. It can affect your small intestine and make digestion difficult. In addition, it can give rise to various other serious health issues.

5. Constipation
If you are struggling with constipation then you can face terrible stomach ache. When there is a lack of proper bowel movement and feces do not exit the body, it is impossible for the body to digest new food. Thus, it leads to abdominal pain and bloating.

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6. blockage of blood vessels
It occurs when blood vessels are blocked due to cholesterol in the body. It affects the digestive system of the body. Thus, when you dine, it eventually causes abdominal pain. So, it is advised that one should keep cholesterol levels in mind.