Why your teeth remain yellow even after brushing daily, know these 5 reasons

Why your teeth remain yellow even after brushing daily, know these 5 reasons
Every day we make some mistakes that damage our teeth. Due to these bad habits, our teeth remain yellow even after brushing. By avoiding these habits, teeth can be protected from yellowing.

Bright white teeth like beads can be the attraction of your face. This not only makes your smile more beautiful but also instills confidence in you. But these teeth, when yellow and dirty, hurt your personality. You may also feel embarrassed. The problem of yellow teeth is related to the health of your mouth, which is due to some of your daily habits. Because bad mouth health can lead to many other serious diseases. Keeping the mouth clean is as important as cleaning the whole body. So if you are having unhealthy teeth and mouth due to your wrong habits, then by avoiding these habits you can reduce the yellowing of teeth. Also with the help of some measures this problem can also be eradicated.

Factors responsible for the yellowing of your teeth:
Consumption of acidic fruits and vegetables
When you eat more acidic fruits, the enamel of the teeth becomes thin. Acid present in fruits is harmful for teeth. Citrus fruits like tomatoes, juices, pineapples are high in acid, reduce their intake to get rid of the problem. Reducing does not mean that you remove them from the diet. In fact, water should be drunk immediately after eating these fruits. This will reduce the yellowing of teeth .

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Excessive use of mouthwash
Excessive use of mouthwash dries up your mouth and reduces saliva. Saliva contains minerals, enzymes and oxygen compounds that help maintain the pH levels in the mouth. This helps in keeping the acid away from enamel. Saliva helps reduce stains from teeth . But mouthwash contains acid, which can damage enamel and make teeth yellow.

By smoking
The nicotine and tar present in cigarettes affect teeth. They make your teeth yellow quickly. Apart from this, smoking also causes gums problem and also makes your mouth dry. In such a situation, reduce your smoking intake. Make sure to visit the dentist from time to time.

Also read: 5 habits that are making your teeth worse and weaker

Excessive tea and coffee intake
Drinking tea and coffee can cause yellowing of teeth. When you drink 2-3 cups of tea or coffee a day, the top layer of teeth comes in direct contact with the staining agent. Due to which the teeth become yellow if not cleaned daily. If you consume tea or coffee more then reduce it and take more care of teeth.

Intake of more sweet foods
Consumption of sweeteners increases the acid in your mouth. This acid is not beneficial for your teeth. This acid is not only harmful to enamel, it also makes teeth yellow. Always brush your teeth after eating sweets. Also, do not forget to drink water after eating sweets.