If you want to increase 'good bacteria' in the stomach, then eat these 6 things in breakfast, metabolism and digestion will be right

If you want to increase 'good bacteria' in the stomach, then eat these 6 things in breakfast, metabolism and digestion will be right

Gut syndrome causes damage to the good bacteria in our intestine. Therefore, it is important that we include only those things in our breakfast, which prove to be helpful in the development of good bacteria of our body. Also, take care of those things, which we should avoid eating at breakfast. 

There are millions of bacteria in the long and small intestine in our body. These are usually good bacteria that take care of our stomach health. These bacteria keep changing and these changes are affected by what you eat, good or bad. Any fluctuations in the balance and levels of good bacteria cause type-2 diabetes, obesity and intestinal problems. Therefore, what you eat is also important for the health of these bacteria. Especially what you eat in your breakfast. So it is important that you include fiber, protein and probiotics in your breakfast. Let us tell you what you can include in your breakfast to keep your gut gut bacteria right.


To keep the good bacteria right, include these things in your breakfast-
If banana is taken for breakfast, it can be beneficial for gut gut bacteria. Bananas are high in fat and carbs. In this way, the gut bacteria work throughout the day to digest it and become very active. Apart from this, bananas also contain probiotics, vitamins, minerals, fiber and anti-oxidants, which also help in the growth of gut gut bacteria.

Flaxseeds are rich in nutrients. They contain protein, fatty acids and fiber. They are also prebiotic foods with insoluble fiber, which go into the intestine and activate good bacteria. If you take a spoonful of flaxseeds daily for breakfast in the morning, then your body will remain strong throughout the day.

Apples contain pectin as well as polyphenols, which are considered good for stomach health. These anti-oxidants reduce inflammation in the body. The soluble fiber present in apples also helps in reducing bad cholesterol. Also, the gut of the body helps in keeping the bacteria healthy. Although it has always been said that we must eat an apple at breakfast. It also helps our body to get detoxified.

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Oats have always been a healthy breakfast. Oats contain fiber, which helps reduce bad cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels. The type of fiber found in oats is also beneficial for gut health. If you do not want to eat them, you can eat smoothies, pancakes or by adding oats to your yogurt.

Yogurt is a nutritious food. It has a good balance of protein, probiotics and good carbs. Probiotics themselves are good bacteria and they contribute majorly to the health of the stomach. On the other hand, if you want to eat yogurt only to increase good bacteria, then you can also choose Greek yogurt as its substitute.

Fresh ginger can help in the production of stomach acid and it stimulates the digestive system, so that food is digested well in the stomach. You can keep your good bacteria and stomach healthy by adding fresh grated ginger to soup or smoothies or fries. Apart from this, the easiest way is to have a cup of ginger tea for breakfast.

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Do not include these things in breakfast -
If you do not take care of some things in your food, then you can also be a victim of 'gut syndrome'. In gut syndrome, a gap occurs in the lining of the intestinal walls. These gaps make it difficult to digest food particles, bacteria and other things eaten. In such a situation, you should avoid eating foods that positively affect intestinal bacteria and inflammation. like

In fruits - apple, cherry, pear, goji berry, dates, and melon
Vegetables including mushrooms, onions and garlic
Legumes such as black beans, beans, kidney beans and chickpeas
Fructose such as honey, artificial sweeteners
Drinks such as soda, beer and wine